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Living with and Learning From Your Crucible Moment

Living With and Learning From Your Crucible Moment – #2

By Podcast

Forty-nine percent of U.S. business professionals say they’ve suffered “an experience so traumatic it fundamentally changed their lives.” Crucible Leadership founder and Beyond the Crucible host Warwick Fairfax explores the many forms these searing experiences can take and offers healing insights for not just surviving them, but thriving in the aftermath of them.

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The Refining Cycle: Steps to Life-Long Growth

By Crucibles, Life of Significance

You may have been through a crucible experience, a gut-wrenching, even humiliating experience.  It may be a business or professional failure, or it may be a health or family challenge.  Whatever it is, the course of your life has forever been changed.  You have faced the fork in the road: whether to wallow in the pain of your crucible experience or to try to move beyond it. You have chosen to move ahead.

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What is the ‘Beyond The Crucible’ Podcast?

By Podcast

‘Beyond the Crucible’ host Warwick Fairfax shares the lessons he learned from losing a $2.25 billion bid to take over the 150-year-old family media dynasty he had be groomed to run since birth. From that “crucible moment,” he discovered a new vision for his life, one rooted in helping others overcome painful setbacks in their lives. Sharing the stories of men and women who have bounced back from devastating hardship and failure to live a life of significance is a key focus of ‘Beyond the Crucible.” Other episodes will explore key facets of the Crucible  Leadership model, including understanding how you’re wired, crafting a vision out of your gifts and passions and how to bring that vision to reality.

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Netflix took down blockbuster

Adapt or Die: How Netflix Took Down Blockbuster

By Reality

One of the most cautionary tales in recent corporate history is how Netflix embraced change and Blockbuster didn’t. As of 2018, Netflix, barely 20 years old, had a stock market value of nearly $165B, with 130 million subscribers in 200 countries. Blockbuster was out of business by then, having filed for bankruptcy in 2010 after incurring more than $1B in losses the previous year.

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Embrace Change or Be Left Behind

By Reality

Change is not easy, which is a major challenge for us because we live in a world that is forever changing.  Technology is changing. The market is changing. The culture is changing.  Not only is everything around us changing, but it seems that change is happening at an ever-increasing rate.

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