We’re Moving on From Crucible Leadership.
Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing
Gary Schneeberger
February 27, 2023
We’ve shifted from Crucible Leadership. And that opens up some very exciting opportunities for the future.
Stop a minute before you read any further and look at the page header on this blog. You’ll see it says Beyond the Crucible. That’s the new name of the business founded and led by Warwick Fairfax. We’re still all about hope and healing, helping you realize your worst days don’t have to define you; still committed to joining you on the journey from setback to significance, still dedicated to setting you on and helping you along the path that leads from trials to triumph.
The new name does not mean we have a new vision or mission. It means our vision and mission have been refined. That’s what we’ve been telling and showing you for the last five years – visions grow and change over time. Now we’ve taken steps to spotlight how that truth applies to us.
How has the Beyond the Crucible mission and vision grown since Warwick founded the company to share the lessons he learned about bouncing back after his $2.25 billion failure that cost his family the media dynasty started by his great-great grandfather?
Here are three desires that fueled the changes we’ve made:
1. We wanted to make clear we don’t just serve business leaders.
Crucible Leadership was the perfect name for what we did when we started. Warwick created the company to highlight the key takeaways from his book, Crucible Leadership: Embrace Your Trials to Lead a Life of Significance, which he had written but not yet published. The book focused on how such things as faith, authenticity and perseverance led him to “get out of the pit,” as he puts it, of his crucible.
As our team worked to help Warwick find a great publisher (he did — Morgan James Publishing) and polish his manuscript, we started to add additional offerings besides this blog and his social media pages. The highest-profile addition was, of course, the Beyond the Crucible podcast, which premiered Nov. 5, 2019. In the going-on-four-years we’ve been doing the show (on which I am blessed to be his cohost), we increasingly discovered something important from the scores of guests we’ve interviewed: not all of their crucibles were leadership — or business — related. In fact, it was far more common to talk with men and women who had been through personal tragedies — physical illness or injury, abuse, the death of loves ones and other difficult life challenges.
What we were doling day-in, day-out — especially after Warwick’s book launched as a Wall Street Journal best-seller — became more focused on offering tools to the widest possible audience. That has been the inspiration for things like our Life of Significance Assessment and our most ambitious undertaking to date, our Discover Your Second-Act Significance e-course. It became obvious to us that we needed to reset the brand to encompass all that we had become. Hence expanding the Beyond the Crucible name beyond the podcast to the organization as a whole.
2. We wanted to emphasize our pivot from primarily telling Warwick’s story and the stories of other leaders to helping you live out yours.
We help you live out your story through the stories from our many podcast guests, and from the insights and tools that we offer and will be offering.
One of the truly breakthrough moments for Beyond the Crucible as a brand has been the data we’ve collected from those who’ve taken the Life of Significance Assessment. What we have learned from the more than 5,200 respondents is that nearly three-quarters of them — 72 percent — report they have experienced something so traumatic or painful that it fundamentally changed their life. That’s a result not from a quick-and-dirty online poll; it’s a scientifically valid number. And it’s just one of the numbers that provides great insight into not just the frequency of crucible experiences, but their effects on those who go through them.
What does that mean for you? The insights we’ve gleaned not just from Warwick’s story, but also from our wide variety of podcast guests, can now be augmented by statistically relevant perspectives about what those hit by and bouncing back from crucibles go through. We have both quantitative and qualitative evidence to help you better understand the setbacks you’ve endured and muster a battle plan to move past them. Stay tuned. You’ll be hearing much more about this — and given the chance to seize new tools rooted in those revelations enroute to your life of significance — in the weeks and months and years to come.
3. We wanted to offer you more and deeper opportunities to interact with us.
An important thing to note about the change that comes with our updated branding is that we’re moving from a label (Crucible Leadership) to an action-oriented promise (Beyond the Crucible). We hope you will engage with us from this point on by asking a simple question: How can this offering or product help me move beyond my crucible?
This is not a minor point. We want you to think of us more than ever as a partner in helping you take an action that moves you closer to the life of significance you’ve always wanted to lead. To that end, Beyond the Crucible will offer you greater opportunities to interact and ask questions of Warwick and others on the team. Be on the lookout for more live Q-and-A’s and real-time teachings. In fact, let’s not wait to make our communications to you more an invitation to dialogue than purely a monologue. If you’ve gotten this far, you’ve gifted us with your attention through this blog. Now allow us to gift you in return. Take a moment right now to ask us a question and send it to info@beyondthecrucible.com … And please keep that email address handy to use anytime you have a question or suggestion you want to send our way.
We look forward to walking alongside you as you move beyond your crucible with Beyond the Crucible.
- In what ways have the resources of Beyond the Crucible helped you?
- What are you most interested in learning about how to get beyond your crucible? Jot your thoughts down to ask of Warwick or the team at a future live Q-and-A or via email.
- If you could ask Warwick only one question about his story and about the offerings of Beyond the Crucible, what would it be? Take the time right now to send the question to info@beyondthecrucible.com
Ready to create a life you love?
- Check out the e-course discussed above, Discover Your Second-Act Significance. It’s a power-packed program with a proven system to help you jumpstart a new chapter in your life and career filled with deeper meaning, purpose, fulfillment and joy. Learn more at secondsactsignificance.com